We see great importance in providing an equitable service to all surfers, and to this end, much effort has been invested in making this site accessible. The purpose of accessibility is to make the site accessible, convenient and user-friendly for people with disabilities. The content of the site is written in plain and clear language. The site is designed with awareness and adaptation for users and customers with visual impairments.

You can navigate conveniently and quickly, using tab switching between buttons, and arrow keys to scroll up and down. Enlarging and reducing a site is provided through the browsers.

You can access the various website pages using the rulers as well as clicking on the “Site Map” button if there is a button for ordering a restaurant in the restaurant through the site – the submission has not yet been completed. You can’t book a place without using a mouse.

We will continue to maintain and improve the accessibility of the site if you encounter an accessibility problem on the site we would be happy if you updated us and work on repair.

We would love to receive any response, idea and suggestion regarding accessibility.

Email for inquiries about accessibility of the website: studio@2eat.co.il